Dominika Kędzierska (born June 25, 1996) is a Polish painter. She has developed a unique style characterized by subdued colors and a perfect approach to detail. Inspired by Claude Monet and Gustav Klimt, she creates works that show both the beauty of women and nature. The paintings are filled with tranquility and reveal the sensitive, spiritual side of the artist. Dominika Kędzierska has participated in numerous auctions, and her works have found a place in many private collections.
The art I create is based on my willingness to share beauty with the recipient. Artistic creation allows me to express aspects related to femininity and exploring my own emotional realm. For me, expressing beauty through painting is a form of spiritual practice, and the satisfaction that comes from the positive effect on the recipient inspires me to continue my work. When creating, I try to present a whole range of emotions. By putting together female portraits with elements of nature (just like the changing seasons of the year), I experience both my transformation cycles and synchronize with the world around me at the same time. I try to see harmony in both the obvious and the transient, revealed in nature that is constantly reborn. I would like my art to be as calming as contact with nature. Furthermore, I hope that contact with states of a woman's interior that I present would become a mirror of self-reflection for the viewer.
2019 – Wystawa konkursowa “Hyperreal” w Łodzi
2021 – Wystawa zbiorowa ,,Kobiety o kobietach” w Galerii Stalowa, Warszawa
2022 – Wystawa zbiorowa ,, Historie miłosne” w Cosma Gallery, Sopot
2022 – Wystawa konkursowa – V Ogólnopolski konkurs malarski im. Leona Wyczółkowskiego, BWA Bydgoszcz
2022 – Wystawa zbiorowa ,,Jej portret”, Galeria Stalowa, Warszawa
2022 – Wystawa konkursowa – Ogólnopolski Konkurs Malarski Im. Krzysztofa Grzesiaka, Lębork
2023 – Wystawa indywidualna – ,,Harmonia światła, harmonia piękna” w Galerii Wieża Sztuki, Kielce
2023 – Wystawa zbiorowa – ,,Jej portret” , ArteHotel w Zamościu
2024 – Wystawa dwóch artystek – ,,Rozkwit”, Galeria w Centrum Olimpijskim w Warszawie
2024 – Wystawa zbiorowa ,,Co artysta miał na myśli… Obraz i fotografia” w salonie Kler, Kielce
2024 – Wystawa zbiorowa ,,Women in Art Unites The World” w Art Palace Prague, Praga – Czechy